Getting into Google Analytics Tool

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics tool which is used to analyse the traffic of the website. It helps to understand our website performance, user behaviour insights and also its a powerful tool for knowing the customer and optimise the websites for better ranking.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps to understand the following activities like 

  1. Number of users who are visiting the website.
  2. Time spent in a website.
  3. Clicks done on Hyperlinks.
  4. Most common page visited by maximum users.
  5. Page where user left while closing the browser.
  6. Highest used browser.

Google Analytics analyse the traffic in the following ways.

  1. Direct Traffic refers to when user directly type the url of the website in the web browser 
  2. Organic Traffic refers to visits comes through the search engine(Eg: Google) for our site.
  3. Referral Traffic refers to visits to our page from external link.
  4. Social media traffic refers to visits through the social media.
  5. Ad Traffic refers to visits through the Ad campaign.
How to setup Google Analytics for a website.

Step 1: Type Google Analytics in google and select set up for free tab.

Home Page

Step 2: Type account name and click next to give property name.

Account name

Step 3: Change the timezone and currency based on the website hosted location.

Time zone

Step 4: Select business type and size of the business, then select how you intend to use the google analytics.

Business name

Step 5: Click create.

Step 6: Add a data stream to collect the data, then clink on create stream.

Stream page

Step 7: Copy the Global tag code and open the cPanel of the website.

Global tag

Step 8: Go to our blog and click Theme->customise->edit html. Here,Html page will open.

 Copy the code under <Head> tag under the <HTML> tag

Copy code

Now our Google Analytics tool is ready to view our website analysis.


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